Direct Burial Cat5

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Take Your Technology Outdoors with Direct Burial Cat5 Cable

You rely on technology to check email, surf the web, and post updates on social media, so a good internet connection is important. Staying connected is easy with direct burial Cat5 network cable. eBay has a large catalog of outdoor network cable at various affordable prices, so you can find what you need.

Where can direct burial cat5 cables be installed?

Installing outdoor Cat5 cable underground is more complex than installing cable that is designed for above-ground outdoor use.

  • Trench location: A trench is needed for the direct burial cat5, and the path should not interfere with pipes, utility connections, and other structures underground. Contact your utility company before you start digging.
  • Power lines: Underground Cat5 cables should be at least 6 to 8 inches away from any power lines. This includes distance as well as depth. If you lay the cable too close to power lines, you will not have a strong signal.
  • Surge protectors: Install surge protectors at each end of the cable. Check with your city authorities to determine other code requirements.
  • Signal quality: Once the cable is laid in the trench, check the signal quality before filling in the hole. If you want to use your devices more than 300 feet from the router, you may need to reroute the cable or use signal boosters.
How much Cat5 outdoor cable do you need?

Wireless networks provide you with flexibility when using your technology outdoors. Measure the distance from your indoor network equipment to the location outdoors where you will have your modem or router. Follow a path that hides the Cat5 cable from view rather than stretching it across pathways and patios. Add an extra 10% to 20% to this number to account for any trimming and modifications as you install the cable.

What are the benefits of direct burial Cat5 cable?

Indoor and outdoor connectivity have different requirements for network cabling. The standard Cat5 cable that is used in your home and office is not designed to be exposed to the elements. The PVC coating that protects the wires inside the cable breaks down when exposed to sunlight, and the cable is not waterproof. Outdoor Cat5 cable is designed to withstand rain, sunlight, and temperature extremes. Direct burial cables have additional protections of a plastic or metal conduit that protects the wires from changes in the underground environment.