Dufferin tacos de billar

Dufferin Billiard Cues

Players who enjoy pool and other cue sports need straight and well-balanced cue sticks to hit the ball accurately. Dufferin is a manufacturer of billiard cues, and they have been refining their techniques since 1967. The company uses carefully selected woods to create cues with styled finishes.

What is the difference between pool and snooker cues?

These sports require different sizes of tables and sticks. The cues for both are roughly the same length, but they have different widths. Since balls are heavier in American pool, a pool cue typically has a wider tip than a snooker cue. This wider tip allows players to hit heavier objects without damaging the shafts of their sticks.

What are Dufferin cues made from?

The shafts for the cues are made from Canadian hard rock maple or North American ash. After being carefully aged in a moisture-controlled climate, the shaft is polished and a tip is applied. Dufferin tends to use XTC ferrules made from thermoplastic material and Kamui layered tips made from tanned pig skin to finish creating the stick. The billiard sticks are then finished with a glossy varnish to help prevent scratching.

What would you consider when choosing between ash and maple?

What type of wood you select for your cue will depend on your playing style. Maple is dense, so it has a solid feel when you hit something with it, and it tends to result in a little more cue ball deflection. Players who want a heavier stick frequently go with maple. Since ash is springier, there is more flex along the shaft. This allows for more spin when a player hits the ball.

What are the billiard cue lines made by Dufferin?

The company creates many different types of cues for playing billiards, pool, and snooker, and all of these Dufferin cues are organized into a few different collections.

  • 900 Break: The Break series has high-density gamma tips, power tapered shafts and bakelite ferrules.
  • 800 Pro: These Dufferin cues have decorative hand-spliced inlays, and the wraps are made from Irish linen and leather. You can adjust the weight balancing in these cues.
  • 600 Stinger: The inlays in this Dufferin line have four to six points, and the cues are finished with lacquer.
  • 500 Sensation: Birdseye, curly and rock wood are used to create diamond tips along the handle.
  • 400 Modern: This series has a quick release joint and plastic joint protectors.
  • 300 Rocky: These cues use a nylon wrap with a semi-coated grip. Wood dyed blue, red, yellow, orange or green provides a pop of color on these inlay designs.
  • 230 Club: The Club series uses solid wood without decorative inlays. These cues are dyed blue, dyed red or natural shades.
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