Lentes de cámara micro cuatro tercios

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Get Professional Photographic Results with a Micro Four-Thirds Lens

The options of zooms and primes varying across focal lengths that range from 7.5mm to 400mm are vast. On eBay, the array of micro four-thirds, or MFT, lenses ranges from budget to professional with value for money bridging the gap in between. Used micro 4/3 lenses of various brands are available.

What is a micro four-thirds lens?

Any good DSLR camera kit from Panasonic or Olympus is going to include a micro four-thirds lens. A standard zoom lens should be efficient, versatile, and reliable. It is likely to spend more time attached to the camera than any specialty lens.

Micro four-thirds is a specification for sensor and lens. Created by Eastman Kodak and Olympus, this standard is for DSLR cameras, or digital single-lens reflex cameras. Unlike the SLR systems of previous cameras, micro four-thirds has been designed from the very beginning to be digital in its entirety. Some lenses are so computerized that firmware updates are available.

Are micro four-thirds lenses interchangeable between different manufacturers?

Yes. As long as you are using a micro four-thirds lens on a camera that is also a micro four-thirds model, compatibility exists among the various manufacturers. This means that lenses from Olympus, Zuiko, Panasonic, Leica, Samyang, and Sigma are interchangeable on cameras from Panasonic and Olympus with micro four-thirds mounts.

Can you can use four-thirds lenses on micro four-thirds cameras?

Yes, but you need a special adapter. These are available on eBay with a few options, but some considerations to be remembered are that if you are using a weather-sealed camera and a weather-sealed lens, you must also have the appropriate weather-sealed adapter to maintain the entire system as sealed from the weather.

What are some top examples of micro four-thirds lenses?
  • Olympus micro four-thirds lenses: The Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED has a fast aperture, a great build quality, and excellent performance. It handles well for a reasonable price.
  • Panasonic micro four-thirds lens: The Panasonic Leica DG Elmarit has a useful teleconverter for extending its possibilities even beyond the powerful performance.
  • Sigma micro four-thirds lenses: The Sigma EX DN Art boasts a trio of lenses. They are aspherical in shape and offer excellent correction for color aberration, distortion, and field curvature.
  • Tamron micro four-thirds lenses: The Tamron AFC001700 is a versatile, lightweight lens that is compact and useful for travel. It lacks an in-lens OIS, which grants it the lighter weight.