Shocks & Struts para Geo Tracker

Geo Tracker Shocks and Struts

If your Geo Tracker is bouncing and tilting, it is time to replace the struts and shocks. With fresh parts, you will enjoy a safe, comfortable ride. To choose the right Geo Tracker shocks and struts, you need to know how they work with the vehicles suspension system.

What are Geo Tracker shocks and struts?

The Geo Trackers suspension requires shocks and struts to operate properly. Though the parts look similar, they serve different functions. Struts mount onto the vehicle’s chassis to support the truck’s weight. With the help of springs, the struts maintain the truck’s height. In addition, shocks prevent the car from bouncing and helps keeps the tires on the road. The parts are described below:

  • Suspension struts: The parts are essential to the Geo Tracker’s suspension system. Without struts, the Geo Tracker would hit the ground, rendering it immobile. They are composed of coil springs and spring seats. Struts also include shock absorbers, steer knuckles, and a strut bearing.
  • Suspension shocks: These parts absorb energy from the road and prevent the vehicle from bouncing. Although they are part of the suspension, shocks do not affect other vehicle components when removed. Without shocks on your Geo, the tires would vibrate instead of rolling over uneven pavement.
What are the signs your struts and shocks are bad?

When shocks and struts are faulty, the quality of your vehicle’s suspension will decrease. The Geo Tracker will become difficult to control and bounce continuously. You may also notice the vehicle’s nose take a dip or it leans from side to side during your ride. Remember the following three points to spot problems and replace the parts on your vehicle quickly:

  • Stability: The Geo Tracker tilts when you turn or it springs up and down over the slightest bump.
  • Steering: Steering is not precise and requires several adjustments when changing lanes in your Geo Tracker.
  • Stopping: Defective shocks cause the nose to plunge when you apply the brakes to your Geo Tracker. Furthermore, you will notice uneven tire wear and bald spots.
How frequently should you replace Geo shocks and struts?

As the components age, they lose their ability to absorb energy. Generally, you should replace shocks and struts every year after the Tracker reaches the 50,000-mile mark. However, you may need to change the components more frequently if you do any of the following with your Geo Tracker:

  • Use the Tracker to transport heavy cargo.
  • Take the Tracker on off-road rides.
  • Use your Tracker on salted roads.